Hamza Jamil Kharyoush

May 06, 2023: Hamza Jamil Kharyoush, 22, was shot and killed by Israeli forces during an invasion of the Tulkarem refugee camp north of Tulkarem city in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank.

Media sources said several Israeli military vehicles invaded the refugee camp, leading to protests before the soldiers fired a barrage of live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and concussion grenades.

The Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed that the soldiers killed Samer Salah Shafe’ey, 22, after shooting him with live rounds in the neck, chest, and abdomen, and Hamza Jamil Kharyoush, 22, after shooting him in the chest, abdomen, and left leg.

The Health Ministry added that the soldiers also shot a young man with a live round in the leg, inflicting moderate wounds, and caused many Palestinians to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation, cuts, and bruises.

The soldiers also abducted Ibrahim Shallash, 20, and Mohammad Baleedy, 23, before withdrawing from the refugee camp.

The Israeli army published a video showing the soldiers killing the two young men; one of them can be seen carrying a gun on a rooftop but unaware of their presence until they fired many live rounds at him and killed him.

Thousands of Palestinians participated in the funeral processions of the two slain young, starting in front of Thabet Governmental Hospital in Tulkarem, carrying Palestinian flags and chanting for ongoing resistance until liberation and independence, before heading to Tulkarem refugee camp.

The funeral was held at the Salam Mosque in the Tulkarem refugee camp before the two were buried at the Shuhada graveyard in the Thannaba area, east of Tulkarem.

Hamza was from Tulkarem refugee camp in the southern West Bank. Source: IMEMC