Mousa Mohammad Mousa

March 12, 2019: Mousa Mohammad Mousa, 23, died of wounds sustained when he was shot and seriously injured by Israeli army fire, on March 1st, during the Great Return March processions, has died from his wounds.

The Palestinian Health Ministry in the Gaza Strip confirmed that Mousa was shot with a live round in his back, east of the al-Boreij refugee camp, in central Gaza.

The Ministry added that the Palestinian remained in a very serious condition at the Intensive Care Unit, until he succumbed to his wounds in the early dawn hours, Monday.

His death brings the number of Palestinians, killed by Israeli army fired since the Great March procession started in the Gaza Strip, on Palestinian Land Day, March 30th, 2018, to 271 Palestinians, including children, journalists and medics.

The number of Palestinians, who were injured by army fire, has exceeded 29.000, including dozens who suffered serious wounds, in scores of residents who suffered amputations of their limbs.

It is worth mentioning that, on Monday morning, a young Palestinian man, identified as Bassam Sami Othman Safi, 22, died from serious wounds he suffered by Israeli army fire, on February 22, 2019.

Also on Monday, Israeli navy ships attacked Palestinian fishing boats in the Waha Sea area, northwest of Gaza city, and abducted two fishermen.

On Friday, the soldiers killed one Palestinian, identified as Tamer Khaled Arafat, 23, and injured 48 others, including four medics and two journalists, in the Great Return March processions, in the eastern parts of the besieged Gaza Strip.

On March 7th, a child, identified as Saifeddin Emad Abu Zeid, 15, died from serious wounds he suffered late, a day earlier, when Israeli soldiers shot him with a live round, and injured several others, during protests on Palestinian lands, close to the perimeter fence, east of Gaza city.

On Sunday at dawn, March 10, the soldiers killed a young Palestinian man, identified as Salama Salah Ka’abna, 22, while driving through a military block on Road #90 in the Jordan Valley area, near Jericho in the occupied West Bank.

Mousa was from Deir al-Balah, in central Gaza. Source: IMEMC