Mo’taz Khawaja

No image available -Male silhouetteMarch 10th, 2023: Mo’taz Khawaja, 23, was shot and killed by Israeli police in Tel Aviv after allegedly shooting three Israelis, one of whom later died from his wounds.

According to Israeli sources, a 23-year old Palestinian man, identified as Mo’taz Khawaja, allegedly opened fire on a group of Israelis on a crowded street in Tel Aviv.

Mo’taz was killed by Israeli police at the scene, and Or Eshkar, 32, was killed as a result of the attack, succumbing to his wounds 11 days later.

The three Israelis who were shot were three friends in their thirties. The three were rushed to the Ichilov hospital after medics administered emergency first aid to two of the men, who were lying on the ground.

The incident took place on Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv.

The Tel Aviv Israeli police commander stated, “Tel Aviv naturally is always a target and despite our being on high alert, we had no prior knowledge of the attack”.

After taking Hawaja into custody, Israeli forces invaded his home village and raided his family home, ransacking belongings and assaulting his family members.

Just a few blocks from the shooting, a protest was taking place when the incident occurred. The protest was challenging the Israeli government’s corruption, and was not affiliated with the attack at the cafe.

One nearby resident told Ha’aretz that he heard eight shots fired, and came outside and saw two men lying on the ground.

Soon after the incident, Israelis gathered at the scene and chanted “Death to Arabs”, while waving the Israeli flag.

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu (the main target of the anti-corruption protesters), who is currently in Rome, stated, “There has been a grave incident in Tel Aviv, A terror attack. We commend the police and security forces fighting terrorists this evening and everywhere. I am certain this will not weaken our resolve to continue building our country and securing our future.”

In the three days prior to this shooting, Israeli troops killed ten Palestinians and wounded dozens more with live ammunition, mainly in Jenin, in the northern West Bank. No Israelis were killed in that time period.

Mo’taz is from the village of Nil’in, in the West Bank. Source: IMEMC