Abdul-Halim Abdul-Karim an-Naqa

Abdul Halim NaqaMay 27, 2018: Abdul-Halim Abdul-Karim an-Naqa, 28, was killed when Israeli soldiers fired several shells into a structure and Palestinian lands, between Rafah and Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

Another Palestinian was killed in the same shelling, and a third was critically injured and died later the same day.

Media sources in Gaza said the soldiers fired at least two artillery shells near Sofa Crossing, between Rafah and Khan Younis, directly striking a structure, killing Hussein Samir al-‘Amour, 25, and Abdul-Halim Abdul-Karim an-Naqa, 28.

It is worth mentioning that the Israeli army claimed it struck a “Hamas observation post near Khan Younis,” killing two Palestinians.

Meanwhile, the Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, issued an official statement saying the two slain Palestinians were members of the group.

The soldiers also fired two more shells into another area, east of Deir al-Balah, in central Gaza Strip, causing serious damage.

In addition, the Israeli Air Force fired six missiles into two sites, west of Rafah and west of Khan Younis, turning them into rubble.

Israeli daily Haaretz quoted a statement issued by the army, confirming the bombing in Gaza, and saying that the bombardment came “in retaliation for an explosive charge, which was placed near the border fence, and detonated while the army was dismantling it.”

It added that the army did not report any casualties and that the explosive was placed near the border fence in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, “in order to harm soldiers operating in the area.”

The Israeli army stated that, “Hamas continues its daily attempts to damage security infrastructure, threatening both soldiers and civilians,” and held Hamas solely and fully responsible for all incidents in the Gaza Strip.

The army spokesperson added that Hamas will “face the consequences of all activities stemming from the Gaza Strip, targeting Israel and its sovereignty.”

In addition, Israeli navy ships fired many live rounds at Palestinian fishing boats, near the shore of Khan Younis, causing damage.

On Saturday, the Israeli army said four Palestinians breached the “security fence” in southern Gaza, and “lit a Molotov cocktail,” and added that the soldiers fired live rounds. The military also said that some Palestinians burnt tires, but later recanted the allegation.

Abdul-Halim was from Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. Source: IMEMC

Naseem Marwan al-‘Amour

May 27, 2018:  Naseem Marwan al-‘Amour, 20, was killed when Israeli soldiers fired several shells into a structure and Palestinian lands, between Rafah and Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. Another Palestinian was killed in the same shelling, and a third was critically injured and died later the same day.

Media sources in Gaza said the soldiers fired at least two artillery shells near Sofa Crossing, between Rafah and Khan Younis, directly striking a structure, killing Hussein Samir al-‘Amour, 25, Naseem Marwan al-‘Amour, 20, and Abdul-Halim Abdul-Karim an-Naqa, 28.

It is worth mentioning that the Israeli army claimed it struck a “Hamas observation post near Khan Younis,” killing two Palestinians.

Meanwhile, the Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, issued an official statement saying the two slain Palestinians were members of the group.

The soldiers also fired two more shells into another area, east of Deir al-Balah, in central Gaza Strip, causing serious damage.

In addition, the Israeli Air Force fired six missiles into two sites, west of Rafah and west of Khan Younis, turning them into rubble.

Israeli daily Haaretz quoted a statement issued by the army, confirming the bombing in Gaza, and saying that the bombardment came “in retaliation for an explosive charge, which was placed near the border fence, and detonated while the army was dismantling it.”

It added that the army did not report any casualties and that the explosive was placed near the border fence in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, “in order to harm soldiers operating in the area.”

The Israeli army stated that, “Hamas continues its daily attempts to damage security infrastructure, threatening both soldiers and civilians,” and held Hamas solely and fully responsible for all incidents in the Gaza Strip.

The army spokesperson added that Hamas will “face the consequences of all activities stemming from the Gaza Strip, targeting Israel and its sovereignty.”

In addition, Israeli navy ships fired many live rounds at Palestinian fishing boats, near the shore of Khan Younis, causing damage.

On Saturday, the Israeli army said four Palestinians breached the “security fence” in southern Gaza, and “lit a Molotov cocktail,” and added that the soldiers fired live rounds. The military also said that some Palestinians burnt tires, but later recanted the allegation.

Naseem was Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. Source: IMEMC

Ronen Lubarsky

May 26, 2018: Ronen Lubarsky, 20, was an Israeli soldier who was severely injured Thursday morning while invading a Palestinian refugee camp, when Palestinians dropped a stone slab on his head from the roof of a third-story building. On Saturday, Ronen died of his wounds.

The incident took place at the al-Am’ari refugee camp near Ramallah, in the central part of the West Bank.

After his death, Israeli authorities quickly mobilized to put together a patriotic funeral that same evening. Hundreds of people attended, including Ronen’s brother, who gave a eulogy in which he said, “Wild animals were waiting for you on the rooftops. I pray to God that our leaders, who I love, will do something about it.” By ‘wild animals’, he was referring to Palestinians.

The funeral was a military service, which took place on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem on Saturday night.

Ronen was a member of the ‘Duvdevan unit’ of the Israeli army, known for its extrajudicial assassinations of Palestinian suspects.

The head of the unit praised Ronen during the service, saying that he had “participated in a great number of operations to capture terrorists”

After the stone slab fell on Ronen Thursday morning, he was rushed to the hospital, where he remained in critical condition until his death on Saturday.

The refugee camp that he was invading, along with other members of his unit, was put under a 24-hour curfew in the days following his injury, with no one allowed to leave or enter. But Israeli soldiers have until now been unable to identify or apprehend the suspects who, they claim, pushed the stone slab off the roof onto Ronen.

Ronen was from Rehovot. Source: IMEMC

Ahmad Ali Qattoush

Ahmad Ali QattoushMay 24, 2018: Ahmad Ali Qattoush, 23, died at the Shifa Medical Center in Gaza, from serious wounds he suffered several days ago, after Israeli soldiers shot him with a live round in the head, east of the al-Boreij refugee camp, in Central Gaza.

Ahmad had been shot and seriously injured by Israeli army fire in the Gaza Strip at a protest on March 14th as part of the Great March of Return, and on May 24, succumbed to his serious wounds.

It is worth mentioning that Ahmad has two other brothers, identified as Rami and Ibrahim, who were also killed by Israeli army fire in previous years. Ahmad is from Nusseirat city, in Deir al-Balah, in Central Gaza Strip.

Dr. al-Qedra added that another Palestinian, identified as Mohannad Bakr Abu Tahoun, 21, died on the same day, from serious wounds he suffered, after an Israeli soldier shot him with a live round in the head, on May 14th.

Abu Tahoun, from Zawaida area in Gaza city, was moved to a hospital in Gaza, before he was transferred, Wednesday, to the Al-Ahli Palestinian hospital, in the southern West Bank city of Hebron, where he succumbed to his wounds on Thursday evening.

Dr. al-Qedra said 50 Palestinians, who were injured by Israeli army fire since the Great Return March nonviolent protests started on March 30th, have been declared clinically dead, and added that 114 Palestinians, including 14 children and two journalists, who were killed.

Israeli soldiers have injured 13190 Palestinians since then, 330 of them suffered life-threatening wounds.

13 of the Palestinians who were killed by Israeli army fire, and 2096 of the wounded, are children, while 7618 of the injured were shot with live fire, the illegal expanding bullets in addition to rubber-coated steel bullets, and the rest suffered the effects of teargas inhalation.

It is worth mentioning that 32 of the wounded Palestinians suffered injuries that caused the amputation of their limbs; 27 of them had their legs amputated.

Ahmad was from the al-Boreij refugee camp, in Central Gaza. Source: IMEMC.

Mohannad Bakr Abu Tahoun

May 24, 2018: Mohannad Bakr Abu Tahoun, 21, died from serious wounds he suffered when an Israeli soldier shot him with a live round in the head, on May 14th.

Mohannad, from Zawaida area in Gaza city, was moved to a hospital in Gaza, before he was transferred, Wednesday, to the Al-Ahli Palestinian hospital, in the southern West Bank city of Hebron, where he succumbed to his wounds on Thursday evening.

Dr. al-Qedra added that another Palestinian, identified as Ahmad Ali Qattoush, 23, died at the Shifa Medical Center in Gaza, also died Thursday from serious wounds he suffered several days ago, after Israeli soldiers shot him with a live round in the head, east of the al-Boreij refugee camp, in Central Gaza.

Mohannad had been shot and seriously injured by Israeli army fire in the Gaza Strip at a protest on March 14th as part of the Great March of Return, and on May 24, succumbed to his serious wounds.

Dr. al-Qedra said 50 Palestinians, who were injured by Israeli army fire since the Great Return March nonviolent protests started on March 30th, have been declared clinically dead, and added that 114 Palestinians, including 14 children and two journalists, were killed.

Israeli soldiers have injured 13190 Palestinians since then, 330 of them suffered life-threatening wounds.

13 of the Palestinians who were killed by Israeli army fire, and 2096 of the wounded, are children, while 7618 of the injured were shot with live fire, the illegal expanding bullets in addition to rubber-coated steel bullets, and the rest suffered the effects of teargas inhalation.

It is worth mentioning that 32 of the wounded Palestinians suffered injuries that caused the amputation of their limbs; 27 of them had their legs amputated.

Mohannad was from Zawaida area in Gaza City. Source: IMEMC.

Akram Odai Abu Khalil

May 23, 2018: Akram Odai Abu Khalil, 15, died of wounds sustained The Palestinian Health Ministry has reported, on Wednesday evening, that a child died from serious wounds he suffered, eight days earlier, after Israeli soldiers shot him at the northern entrance of al-Biereh city, in central West Bank.

The Ministry said the child was shot with a live round in his abdomen, and was rushed to Palestine Medical Complex, in Ramallah, before he was moved to the Najah Hospital, in the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

The child remained in a coma, in a very serious condition, until he succumbed to his wounds.

The Ministry stated that his death brings the number of Palestinians, killed by Israeli army fire since the beginning of the Great Return March on Palestinian Land Day, on March 30, 2018, to 118 including 14 children.

Akram was critically injured while participating in a protest against the U.S. moving its Embassy to Jerusalem on Monday May 14th, 2018. The protest also focused on commemorating  the 70th anniversary of the Nakba (Catastrophe), when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were displaced from their homes for the creation of the state of Israel – creating the largest refugee population on earth, many of whom remain in exile generations later.

While Akram and thousands of others protested in the West Bank, thousands more Palestinians were simultaneously protesting in the Gaza Strip, where they were mowed down with live ammunition from Israeli forces. The Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed that Israeli soldiers killed 60 Palestinians on Monday, May 14th, 2018, including an eight month old baby, 6 children and four officers of the Ministry of Interior and National Security, in the Gaza Strip, and injured more than 2700.

Akram was from Ein Sinya village, north of Ramallah. Source: IMEMC

Aziz ‘Oweisat

May 20, 2018: Aziz ‘Oweisat, 53, died at an Israeli hospital from serious complications after he was assaulted by several Israeli soldiers in the prison, after they claimed he attacked an officer with a sharp object.

The Palestinian Detainees’ Committee said ‘Oweisat was taken prisoner on March 24, 2014, and was sentenced to a life term.

The Committee added that he suffered brain hemorrhage and a heart attack after the soldiers continuously assaulting him in Eshil Israeli prison, on May 2, 2018, and went into a coma before he was moved to Ramla Israeli Medical Center.

Later, the detainee was moved to Assaf Harofeh Medical Center due to the seriousness of his condition, but he suffered further deterioration, and was transferred to Tal HaShomer Medical Center.

On May 10th, 2018, he underwent heart surgery at Tal HaShomer Israeli Medical Center.

Despite his serious condition, he was returned to Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, after the Administration of Tal HaShomer refused to keep him hospitalized at their facility.

The Detainees’ Committee said he died at Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, due to the seriousness of his condition.

Prior to his death, the Committee filed an urgent appeal with an Israeli court asking for his release so that he could receive steady medical attention, and the court scheduled the hearing for May 25th. He did not make it to the hearing, however, since he died on May 20th.

The detainees in Israeli prisons and detention camps declared a three-day mourning period, and demanded that Israel be held accountable for its violations and crimes.

The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) held Israel fully responsible for his death, especially since the Israeli Prison Authority refused to release him despite its knowledge of his serious condition.

It added that seven Palestinian detainees have died in the last five years after being denied medical attention, in addition to ‘Oweisat.

The PPS also said that 216 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons and interrogation centers since Israel occupied the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, Golan and East Jerusalem, in 1967.

It added that 75 detainees were executed after the soldiers arrested them, 72 died while being tortured during interrogation, 7 were killed by the soldiers in prisons, and 62 died after being denied medical treatment.

The head of the Palestinian Detainees’ Committee, Issa Qaraqe, accused Israel of deliberately killing the detainee, and called for establishing an international committee to investigate Israeli crimes and violations against the detainees. Aziz was from Jabal al-Mokabber in Jerusalem. Source: IMEMC

Mohammad Mazen Oleyyan

May 19, 2018: Mohammad Mazen Oleyyan, 20, died from serious wounds he suffered on Monday, May 14 while participating in a non-violent protest at the east border of Gaza.

The Palestinian Health Ministry in the Gaza Strip reported that the young man was shot with live Israeli army fire, and died from his serious wounds at the Al-Quds Hospital, in Gaza.

Mohammad had been shot with a live round in the head, during the Great Return March, east of the al-Boreij refugee camp, in central Gaza.

He remained in critical condition, before was pronounced brain dead, and passed away Saturday.

On Saturday at dawn, another Palestinian identified as Mo’in ِِAbdul-Hamid Sa’ey, 58 years of age, died from his serious wounds at the Shifa Medical Center in Gaza city, where he had been rushed to surgery after being critically wounded in the protest, and then to the Intensive Care Unit until he succumbed to his wounds.

On the same day of his serious injury, Israeli soldiers killed 60 Palestinians, including an eight-month-old baby, 6 children and four officers of the Ministry of Interior and National Security, in the Gaza Strip, and injured more than 2700, among them 122 children, and 44 women.

27 of the injured Palestinians suffered very critical wounds, 59 serious injuries, 735 moderate wounds, and 882 suffered light wounds.

772 of the wounded Palestinians were shot with live rounds, three with rubber-coated steel bullets, 91 with shrapnel, 100 cuts and bruises and 737 suffered the effects of teargas inhalation.

65 of the wounded were shot in the head and neck, 116 in their arms, 48 in the chest and back, 651 in the lower extremities, 52 in several parts of their bodies and 737 suffered the effects of teargas inhalation.

On Friday, May 18th, the soldiers injured 56 Palestinians, including two journalists and one medic, in several parts of the Gaza Strip. Twenty-three of the wounded Palestinians were shot with live rounds.

The deaths of Mohammad and Mo’in on Saturday bring the number of Palestinians who were killed since the processions started on Palestinian Land Day, March 30, to 119 while more than 12000 have been injured.

Mohammad was from al-Boreij refugee camp, in central Gaza. Source: IMEMC

Mo’in Abdul-Hamid Sa’ey

May 19, 2018: Mo’in Abdul-Hamid Sa’ey, 59, died from serious wounds he suffered on May 14th, after Israeli soldiers shot him with live fire during the nonviolent “Great Return March” commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe), when Israel was established in the historic land of Palestine, and the opening of the U.S Embassy in Jerusalem. The protest was one of a series of non-violent processions held in Gaza beginning on March 30th, 2018, known as Land Day.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said Mo’in died at dawn from his serious wounds at the Shifa Medical Center in Gaza City. When he was injured on May 14th, he was taken immediately to surgery, and remained in the Intensive Care Unit until he succumbed to his wounds on May 19th.

On the same day of his serious injury, Israeli soldiers killed 60 Palestinians, including an eight-month-old baby, 6 children and four officers of the Ministry of Interior and National Security, in the Gaza Strip, and injured more than 2700, among them 122 children, and 44 women.

27 of the injured Palestinians suffered very serious wounds, 59 serious injuries, 735 moderate wounds, and 882 suffered light wounds.

772 of the wounded Palestinians were shot with live rounds, three with rubber-coated steel bullets, 91 with shrapnel, 100 cuts and bruises and 737 suffered the effects of teargas inhalation.

65 of the wounded were shot in the head and neck, 116 in their arms, 48 in the chest and back, 651 in the lower extremities, 52 in several parts of their bodies and 737 suffered the effects of teargas inhalation.

On Friday, May 18th, the soldiers injured 56 Palestinians, including two journalists and one medic, in several parts of the Gaza Strip. Twenty-three of the wounded Palestinians were shot with live rounds. Mo’in was from the Shati’ refugee camp, west of Gaza City. Source: IMEMC

Edrees Shaker Jabareen

May 15, 2018: Edrees Shaker Jabareen, 58, died from the severe effects of teargas inhalation, after Israeli soldiers invaded the ad-Dowwara area, in Sa’ir town, south of the southern West Bank city of Hebron, and resorted to the excessive use of force against nonviolent Palestinian protesters.

Jabareen, a member of the Local Council in Sa’ir town, was rushed to the Emergency Unit at the al-Ahli Hospital, but died from the severe effects of the toxic gas bombs fired by the soldiers.

The Palestinian suffocated near his home in the ad-Dowwara area, after the soldiers fired dozens of gas bombs at the protesters, and was rushed to the al-Ahli Hospital, in Hebron, where he died at the Urgent Care Unit.

Medics said the man was standing near his home talking to some other Palestinians, but the intensity of the Israeli gas bombs covered the entire area before he collapsed, and was rushed to the hospital.

Edrees did not suffer from any health issues, or preexisting conditions, especially since he underwent routine medical checkups just a few days prior to his death, and received a clean bill of health.

On the same day, an armed Israeli colonialist settler tried to ram a young man, identified as Bilal Za’tari, 28, with his car near Khirbat Qalqas area, south of Hebron city, and when the man managed to run away, the settler shot him with a live round in his arm, and fled the scene.

The wounded young man suffered a moderate injury, and was rushed to the Al-Ahli Hospital.

Furthermore, the soldiers attacked protesters in the al-‘Arroub refugee camp, north of Hebron, with live fire, gas bombs and concussion grenades, in addition to directly targeting a home with gas bombs, causing many Palestinians to suffer the effects of teargas inhalation.

Edrees was from Sa’ir town, north of Hebron. Source: IMEMC