Hussein Atiya at-Teety

Hussein TeetyMay 15, 2021: Hussein Atiya at-Teety, 26, was killed by Israeli forces who shot and killed him while he was driving his car.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) confirmed that Israeli soldiers killed Hussein after opening fire at his car and leaving him to bleed to death, near the junction of the al-Fawwar refugee camp, south of the southern West Bank city of Hebron.

On the same day, Israeli soldiers shot nine Palestinians with live fire in Hebron city, including one who suffered a serious gunshot wound to the chest.  Another Palestinian suffered a moderate wound after the army shot him near Yatta town, south of Hebron.

Eyewitnesses said the soldiers prevented a Palestinian ambulance from reaching Hussein, who was seriously wounded and bleeding out. The soldiers refused to allow the medics from approaching him, while he continued to bleed.

The soldiers also fired live rounds at the ambulance, while Hussein continued to bleed, and only allowed the medics to reach him after he died from his wounds.

The Palestinian was shot by soldiers in a fortified concrete military tower, who fired many live rounds at the car without any cause of reason.

In related news, illegal Israeli colonists attacked many homes, and burnt lands in the ar-Reehiyya village, near Hebron, before the soldiers invaded the area, and started firing live rounds, gas bombs, and concussion grenades at the Palestinians and many homes.

The colonists also attacked homes in Tal Romedia, in the center of Hebron city, causing excessive property damage and at least one injury.

On Friday, a Palestinian identified as Ismael Jamal Tubasi, 23, was killed in a similar attack by the Israeli colonists on the village. On the same day, Israeli soldiers killed eleven Palestinians in the West Bank.

He was among nine Palestinians who were killed by Israeli army fire, in several parts of the occupied West Bank that day, the Palestinian Health Ministry has confirmed, and added that more than five hundred Palestinians were injured. They were protesting the Israeli escalation in the Gaza Strip – on the day of the protests, 39 Palestinian men, women and children were killed by Israeli missiles dropped on their homes in the Gaza Strip.

During the escalation on May 14th, the Israeli soldiers invaded the northern West Bank city of Nablus, in addition to Sbeih Mountain, and the villages of Salem and Asira al-Qibliya, east of Nablus, and Orif village, south of the city, killed four Palestinians and injured dozens during ensuing protests.

Media sources said the soldiers killed Dr. Issa, a District Attorney, and a prosecutor with the Cybercrime Division with the Palestinian Public Prosecution Department.

In addition, Israeli colonialist settlers from Yitzhar illegal colony, infiltrated into the eastern area of Nablus, leading to protests, before the soldiers invaded it and shot two young men with live rounds in the abdomen and legs; one of them suffered a severe injury.

In Orif village, the soldiers killed a young man, identified as Nidal Sayel Safadi, 30, after shooting him with a live round, after several army jeeps invaded the village, and attacked protesters.

In Ramallah, in central West Bank, the soldiers killed Mohammad Rawhi Hammad, 30, after he reportedly attempted to ram soldiers with his car.  The Palestinian is from Silwad town, northeast of Ramallah.

The soldiers also killed Yousef Mahdi Nawasra, 27, from Fahma village, southwest of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, during protests near the Dothan Israeli military roadblock.

In Salfit, in central West Bank, the soldiers invaded Marda village, north of the city, and killed a young man, identified as Sharif Khaled Salman, 37, during protests that took place when the soldiers invaded the village, in addition to killing Awad Ahmad Harb, 27, in Iskaka village, east of Salfit.

Sharif had not been participating in protests but was standing outside his home when he was shot by invading Israeli forces. His mother told reporters with Ma’an News Agency, “I cannot believe that Sharif was killed. Just hours ago, he woke me up from sleep to have coffee together. He left behind a pregnant wife and three daughters.”

As tears streamed down her face, she told reporters, “I asked him to drink coffee with me, to drink it together, and to close the door for fear that his children and his sister’s children might go out to the street, because the army was out in the street, and our home is located near the main street of the village. I fell asleep while I waited for him to drink his coffee. I was awakened by the sound of gunfire and screaming. I did not know that the bullets were fired at Sharif, to end his life. The occupation deprived me of my son for no reason, just as it has deprived so many mothers.”

In Jericho, in northeastern West Bank, the soldiers killed Mohammad Adel Abu Shqeir, 20, from the al-Qasab neighborhood, during protests that took place at the entrance of the city.

Hussein was from the al-Fawwar refugee camp in the West Bank. Source: IMEMC