Amjad Adnan Khaliliyya

January 14, 2023: Amjad Adnan Khaliliyya, 23, was killed by Israeli soldiers killed t near the main entrance of Jaba’ town, south of Jenin, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said Amjad and Ezzeddin Bassem Hamamra, 24, from Jaba’.

Media sources said the soldiers assassinated the two Palestinians after ambushing their car near the Jaba’ town junction, fired many live rounds at them, and chased them to the Al-Fandaqumiya nearby village before firing a barrage of live rounds at their car, killing the two.

The Saraya Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, said the two were members of the group and added that they exchanged fire with the soldiers on the main road between Jaba’ and Al-Fandaqumiya.

It added that one of them was injured before they drove away, but the soldiers chased them, fired dozens of live rounds at their car, and killed them.

Earlier the same day, the soldiers invaded the site of a former illegal Israeli colony in the area, installed a roadblock at the entrance of the Jaba’ town, leading to protests, and fired many live rounds at the Palestinians, wounding one in the leg.

Various Palestinian factions in Jenin issued statements mourning the two young men and Yazan Al-Ja’abri, 19, who died from his wounds at dawn and called for ongoing resistance until liberation.

The killing of the two young men brings the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli army fire in the first fourteen days of this year, 2023, to twelve, including three children.

The Palestinians Health Ministry said the soldiers killed 224 Palestinians last year, including two children; 59 slain Palestinians are from the Jenin governorate.

Amjad was from Jaba’, south of Jenin, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Mojahed Mahmoud Hamed

December 07, 2022: Mojahed Mahmoud Hamed, 32, was killed by Israeli soldiers in Deir Dibwan town, east of Ramallah, in the central part of the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said the General Authority of Civil Affairs informed it that the soldiers killed Mojahed after shooting him with live fire.

It added that the soldiers chased the young man, opened fire at him, and took him to an unknown destination before the Israeli side later informed the General Authority of Civil Affairs that Mohammad had died from his wounds.

The Health Ministry stated that the army initially refused to allow the transfer of the corpse of the slain young man to the Palestinians, but later all handed his body to a Palestinian ambulance before he was moved to Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah.

The Israeli occupation army claimed the soldiers “neutralized a suspect who opened fire at their military post from a speeding car.”

The army and several Israeli media outlets frequently used the term “neutralized”, to refrain from stating the soldiers or colonizers killed a Palestinian, and as a form of justification for killing the Palestinians.

The army alleged that the soldiers “pursued the car and fired at the suspect who was driving while firing at the soldiers” and that the army initiated a search campaign “looking for more suspects” and added that no soldiers were injured in the incident.

The soldiers also invaded Kafr Ein village, northwest of Ramallah, leading to protests, before shooting a young man with several live rounds in the chest, pelvis, and thigh; his wounds have been described as moderate-to-severe.

On December 5th, the soldiers killed Omar Yousef Manna’ Fararja, 22, shot six others, and abducted three, including his brother, in the Deheishe refugee camp, south of Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank.

On December 2nd, the soldiers killed Ammar Hamdi Mifleh, 22, in Huwwara town, south of Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

On December 1st, the soldiers killed two Palestinians, Na’im Jamal Zubeidi, 27, and Mohammad Ayman Sa’adi, 26, in Jenin, in the northern part of the West Bank.

Mojahed was from Silwad town, east of Ramallah, in the central part of the occupied West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Ra’ed Ghazi Na’san

RaedNovember 29, 2022: Ra’ed Ghazi Na’san, 21, was shot and killed by Israeli forces on Tuesday evening when the Israeli army invaded the Al-Mughayyir village east of Ramallah, in the central part of the occupied West Bank. Raed was the fourth Palestinian, including two siblings, to be killed by the soldiers, Tuesday.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said the soldiers shot Ra’ed Ghazi Na’san, 21, with several live rounds in the chest.

Local nonviolent activist against the illegal Israeli Annexation Wall and Colonies, Kathem Haj Mohammad, said a large military force invaded the village and fired dozens of live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets and gas bombs at Palestinian youngsters who protested the invasion.

He added that Ra’ed suffered serious gunshot wounds to the chest and was rushed to a clinic in the nearby Turmus Ayya town, and received essential first aid, before he was moved to the Istishari Hospital in Ramallah, where he was officially pronounced dead.

Early Tuesday morning, Israeli soldiers killed two Palestinian siblings, Jawad Abdul-Rahman Rimawi, 22, and his brother, Thafer, 21, in Kafr Ein town, northwest of Ramallah, in the central West Bank.

On Tuesday dawn, the Palestinian Health Ministry said a Palestinian, Mohammad Mahmoud Ekhlayyel, 44, died from serious wounds he suffered after Israeli soldiers shot and seriously wounded him and injured twenty-one after the army invaded Beit Ummar town, north of Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank.


Raed was from Al-Mughayyir village east of Ramallah, in the central part of the occupied West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Jawad Abdul-Rahman Rimawi

November 29, 2022: Jawad Abdul-Rahman Rimawi, 22, was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers early Tuesday morning, along with his brother Thafer, 21, in Kafr Ein town, northwest of Ramallah, in the central West Bank.

The Israeli soldiers invaded the town, leading to protests by the local Palestinians.

The soldiers fired many live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, and gas bombs randomly.

The Palestinian Health Ministry has confirmed that the soldiers killed Jawad after shooting him with live fire in the abdomen.

The Health Ministry added that the soldiers also shot Jawad’s brother, Thafer Rimawi, 21, with a live round in the chest, causing a life-threatening injury, before he succumbed to his serious wounds

Sources at the Yasser Arafat Hospital in Ramallah said the soldiers used expanding bullets against the Palestinians, killing the two siblings and wounding several others, some seriously.

On Tuesday dawn, the Palestinian Health Ministry said a Palestinian, Mofeed  Mohammad Mahmoud Ekhlayyel, 44, died from serious wounds he suffered after Israeli soldiers shot and seriously wounded him and injured twenty-one after the army invaded Beit Ummar town, north of Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank, leading to protests.

Jawad was from Kafr Ein town, northwest of Ramallah, in the central West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Thafer Abdul-Rahman Rimawi

ThaferNovember 29, 2022: Thafer Abdul-Rahman Rimawi, 21, was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers early Tuesday morning, along with his brother Jawad, 22, in Kafr Ein town, northwest of Ramallah, in the central West Bank.

The Israeli soldiers invaded the town, leading to protests by the local Palestinians. The soldiers fired many live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, and gas bombs randomly.

The Palestinian Health Ministry has confirmed that the soldiers shot Thafer with a live round in the chest, causing a life-threatening injury, before he succumbed to his serious wounds.

The Health Ministry added that the soldiers also killed Thafer’s brother, Jawad Abdul-Rahman Rimawi, 22, after shooting him with live fire in the abdomen.

Sources at the Yasser Arafat Hospital in Ramallah said the soldiers used expanding bullets against the Palestinians, killing the two siblings and wounding several others, some seriously.

On Tuesday dawn, the Palestinian Health Ministry said a Palestinian, Mofeed Mohammad Mahmoud Ekhlayyel, 44, died from serious wounds he suffered after Israeli soldiers shot and seriously wounded him and injured twenty-one after the army invaded Beit Ummar town, north of Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank, leading to protests.

Thafer was from Kafr Ein town, northwest of Ramallah, in the central West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Mos’ab Mohammad Nafal

November 05, 2022: Mos’ab Mohammad Mahmoud Nafal, 18, was killed by Israeli soldiers who also shot another Palestinian near Sinjil Palestinian town, north of Ramallah, in the central West Bank.

The Health Ministry has confirmed that Mos’ab was shot with a live round in the heart before the medics rushed him to Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah.

It added that the doctors tried to revive the seriously wounded young man and provide him with the needed treatment, but he succumbed to his serious wounds.

The soldiers also shot another Palestinian before army medics provided him with the needed treatment and took him to an Israeli hospital.

The Israeli army claimed that the slain and the wounded young men were shot by the soldiers who “opened fire at Palestinians hurling stones at Israeli vehicles.”

However, the family said Mos’ab was with them, picking their olive trees in the area before many illegal Israeli colonizers attacked them and other villagers, forcing them to disperse and leave their lands.

The family added that Mos’ab and another young man could not be located following the Israeli attack, an issue that prompted the Palestinians to start looking for them.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said it received a call, approximately at six in the evening, informing it of injuries in an area near the Oyun Al-Hamriyah area near Sinjil and immediately dispatched two ambulances to the area.

The medics looked for Mos’ab in the olive orchards for about two hours and found him bleeding and in a very serious condition before they rushed him to Palestine Medical Complex, where he succumbed to his wounds.

The PRCS added that Israeli soldiers also invaded the area and searched the olive orchards before locating the other Palestinian, believed to have been seriously injured, and took him to an Israeli hospital.

Mos’ab was from the Al-Mazra’a ash-Sharqiya village east of Ramallah, in the central part of the occupied West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Habes Abdul-Hafith Rayyan

November 02, 2022: Habes Abdul-Hafith Rayyan, 54, was killed by Israeli soldiers at a military roadblock west of Ramallah in the central part of the occupied West Bank.

The Israeli army said the soldiers shot the Palestinian after he reportedly rammed his car into soldiers at the military roadblock, seriously wounding one.

The sources stated that, after ramming his car into the soldiers, the Palestinian stepped out of his car stepping out of his car reportedly carrying a sharp object, before the soldier, who was on the ground, fired several rounds at him and killed him.

The wounded soldier was conscious after suffering limb wounds before he was evacuated to Shaare Zedek hospital in Jerusalem.

The Israeli hospital said the soldier arrived at the trauma unit Shaare Zedek in a critical condition and suffering from a multi-systematic injury.

Habes is the father of Qussai Rayyan, who Israeli soldiers abducted in September of this year, 2022, and he remains imprisoned, and former political prisoner Assem Rayyan; both are said to be members of the Islamic Jihad. The father is not known to have a political affiliation.

On October 30, Israeli soldiers Barakat Mousa Odah, 49, in what the army claimed was a car-ramming attack near Jericho, in the northeastern part of the occupied West Bank.

Habes was from Beit Duqqu town, northwest of occupied Jerusalem. Source: IMEMC

Qussai Mahmoud Tamimi

October 25, 2022: Qussai Mahmoud Tamimi, 19, was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers in Nabi Saleh village, north of Ramallah, in the central part of the occupied West Bank.

In a brief statement, the Palestinian Health Ministry said the Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian when they shot into a crowd of protesters using live ammunition. Qussai was shot in the chest. He was rushed to the nearest hospital by Palestinian medics but had succumbed to his wounds.

Qussai was killed during protests that erupted when many army jeeps invaded the village before the soldiers stormed and searched homes.

Medical sources said the slain Palestinian has been identified as Qussai Mahmoud Tamimi, 19, from Nabi Saleh.

Hundreds of Palestinians marched carrying his corpse and chanting for ongoing resistance until liberation and independence and denouncing the escalating Israeli crimes and violations against the Palestinian people.

Qussai was from Nabi Saleh, in the central West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Mohammad Fadi Nouri

October 20, 2022: Mohammad Fadi Nouri, 16, died from serious wounds he suffered on September 28th, 2022, after Israeli soldiers shot him in Betunia town, west of Ramallah, in the central part of the occupied West Bank.

The Health Ministry said the soldiers shot Mohammad with a live round in the abdomen, leading to extensive internal organ damage and bleeding.

The Health Ministry added that the child underwent several surfers but remained in a serious condition until she succumbed to his wounds.

Mohammad was shot during protests at the northern entrance of Al-Biereh city near Ramallah when the soldiers also shot and seriously injured many Palestinians.

The Palestinians were protesting the death of four Palestinians, Mohammad Hisham Abu Na’sa, 25 Ahmad Nathmi Alawna, 24 Abdul-Rahman Fathi Khazem, 27 Mohammad Mahmoud Barahma, 30, who were killed by Israeli soldiers in Jenin, in the northern West Bank.

On October 19, the soldiers killed Odai Kamal Tamimi, 22, near Ma’ale Adumim illegal colony, east of the occupied capital Jerusalem in the West Bank, after he opened fire at security guards, mildly wounded one.

The Israeli army has been looking for Odai after holding him responsible for the death of an Israeli soldier, Noa Lazar, 18, and the serious injury of a security guard at a military roadblock near Shu’fat.

A day before the soldier’s death, the army killed Ahmad Mohammad Hussein Daraghma, 24, and Mahmoud Moayyad Sous, 18, in Jenin, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

Their deaths also came just a day after the Israeli soldiers killed two Palestinian teens, Adel Ibrahim Adel Daoud, 14, and Mahdi Mohammad Ladadwa, 17, and injured dozens of Palestinians near Qalqilia and Ramallah in the northern and central parts of the occupied West Bank.

On October 11, an Israeli soldier, Ido Baruch, 20, succumbed to serious wounds he suffered in a shooting targeting a large group of Israeli colonizers, guarded by dozens of soldiers, marching near Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said the soldiers killed 174 Palestinians since the beginning of this year, 2022, 123 of them in the West Bank and 51 in the Gaza Strip, and added that among the slain Palestinians are 41 children.

Mohammad was from Betunia town west of Ramallah, in the central West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Salama Ra’fat Sharay’a

October 03, 2022: Salama Ra’fat Sharay’a, 19, was killed by Israeli soldiers near the Al-Jalazoun refugee camp, north of Ramallah, in the central part of the occupied West Bank. Another Palestinian was killed, and one was injured.

Several armored Israeli military vehicles invaded the area of the Palestinian education Ministry, near the camp, before fatally shooting two young men and moderately wounding another.

Khaled Anbar Dabbas

The Palestinians were in a car at approximately 3:30 am, heading to work, when the soldiers fired many live rounds at their car, killing Salama, and Khaled Anbar Dabbas, 19, from Al-Jalazoun refugee camp, and severely wounding Bassel Qassem Basbous, 18, from Birzeit, before taking them to an unknown destination.

Eyewitnesses said the two slain Palestinians were still bleeding when the soldiers detained them and refused to allow Palestinian medics to reach them.

The Israeli army claimed it invaded the area “to arrest wanted Palestinians when a car came at them at high speed before the soldiers opened fire at it, killing two and wounding one.”

The army claimed that Palestinians tried to carry out a ramming attack against the soldiers; however, eyewitnesses denied the allegations and said the Palestinians driving the car were surprised by the soldiers invading the area before the army fired several live rounds at them.

The army took the corpses of the two slain Palestinians, and the wounded, to an unknown destination.

National factions and social groups declared a comprehensive strike in Ramallah to mourn the slain Palestinians, while hundreds of Palestinians held protests before the soldiers attacked them with live fire, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs and concussion grenades.

Salama was from Birzeit city, north of Ramallah, in the central West Bank. Source: IMEMC