Mohammad Fouad Al-Bayed

July 21, 2023: Mohammad Fouad Atta Al-Bayed, 17, was shot and killed by Israeli occupation forces on Friday, a Palestinian child, and seriously injured a young man during protests in the village of Um Safa, northwest of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, the Ministry of Health confirmed.

Local sources reported that Israeli soldiers invaded the central West Bank village of Um Safa, northwest of Ramallah, which sparked protests among the local Palestinian youths.

Palestinians threw rocks at the armored military vehicles, while the army opened fire with live ammunition, concussion grenades and tear gas canisters, causing 2 critical injuries and caused many citizens to suffer the toxic effects of tear gas inhalation.

Two Palestinians sustained serious injuries, one of whom was shot with a live round in the head, while another was shot in the abdomen with live ammunition, both shooting victims were transported to the Istishari Hospital in the village.

Shortly after his arrival to the hospital, medical staff pronounced the death of a Palestinian teenager who was brought in with a critical gunshot wound to the head, inflicted on him by the Israeli military.

The Ministry of Health identified the slain child as Mohammad Fouad Atta Al-Bayed, 17, from the al-Jalazoun refugee camp, northwest of Ramallah.

Mohammad was from the village of Um Safa, in the central West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Mohammad Haitham Tamimi

June 05, 2023: Mohammad Haitham Tamimi, 3, was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers in the village of Nabi Saleh, near Ramallah.

The invading soldiers critically wounded the child’s father in the same incident.

The invasion took place on the previous Thursday, and the child succumbed to his wounds at the hospital four days later, on Monday.

The child, Mohammad Haitham Tamimi, 3 years of age, was shot in the head, and his father was shot in the shoulder while they were standing in the front yard of their home near an Israeli military roadblock at the entrance of Nabi Saleh.

The attack took place when Israeli soldiers ambushed a Palestinian car at the town entrance and fired many live rounds at a car, which sprayed randomly around the area, including at the home of Mohammad and his father.

The three-year-old child was shot in the head, and the father was shot in the shoulder, causing serious injuries.

The child and his father were not in the car but in their home’s front yard near the military roadblock at the entrance of the town.

The seriously wounded child was rushed to Tal HaShomer Israeli Medical Center, where he was treated for his wounds but remained in critical condition until he succumbed to his injuries.

On Monday night, the child’s corpse was transferred to Palestine Medical Complex In Ramallah ahead of the funeral ceremony and burial procession the following day.

The Israeli forces also wounded other members of the Tamimi family.

On her Facebook Page, Manal Tamimi said that her husband, Bilal Tamimi, was shot with a gas bomb in the arm, causing a fracture in the wrist, and added that he requires surgery for his wounds.

Manal added that Wisam Tamimi, her brother-in-law’s son, was shot with a sponge-tipped bullet in the head, resulting in a skull fracture.

Her brother’s wife, Noura Tamimi, was shot with a gas bomb in the abdomen, and her cousin Haitham Tamimi and his son Mohammad, were shot with live rounds in the chest and the head.

Naji Tamimi, the head of Nabi Saleh Village Council, said the soldiers also closed the iron gate at the village entrance, invading several neighborhoods and firing live rounds at protesters.

Mohammad was from Nabi Saleh, in central Gaza. Source: IMEMC

Amir Mamoun Odah

March 10, 2023: Amir Mamoun Odah, 16, was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers in Qalqilia, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian Health Ministry officially identified the child as Amir Mamoun Odah, 16, and said that the child was shot in the chest during protests near the Israeli military roadblock at the northern entrance of Qalqilia.

The Health Ministry added that the medics rushed the child to Qalqilia governmental hospital in a very serious condition before he succumbed to his wounds.

The Palestinian medics also treated another Palestinian who was shot in the leg and many who suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation.

Hundreds of Palestinians participated in Amir’s funeral ceremony and procession and chanted for ongoing resistance until liberation.

Thursday morning, the Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed the death of Walid Sa’ad Daoud Nassar, 14, who was seriously injured by Israeli army fire two days ago when the soldiers killed six Palestinians in Jenin, in the northern West Bank.

Amir was from Qalqilia, in the northern West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Walid Sa’ad Nassar

March 09, 2023: Walid Sa’ad Daoud Nassar, 14, died of wounds sustained two days prior, when Israeli troops invaded Jenin and killed six Palestinians and wounded 26.

The Palestinian Health Ministry identified the child as Walid Sa’ad Daoud Nassar, 14, and said the soldiers shot him with live rounds in the abdomen, causing serious injuries.

Palestinian medics tried to reach the wounded child, but the soldiers did not allow them to reach him. The invading army snatched the wounded child in an armored military vehicle, and took him to Hadassah Israeli medical center in Jerusalem.

The child was shot after the soldiers invaded Jenin and Jenin refugee camp, killed six young men, and injured at least twenty-six, including three who suffered critical injuries.

Also Thursday morning, Israeli forces killed three young men in a targeted assassination as the three men were driving in a car Thursday morning in the town of Jaba, south of Jenin.

Those killed were identified as Sufian Adnan Ismail Fakhouri, 26 years old, Nayef Ahmad Yusef Malaysha, 25 years old, and Ahmad Mohammad Dheeb Fashafsha, 22 years old.

The Health Ministry has confirmed that the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli soldiers and paramilitary colonizers since the beginning of this year is now 78, including 14 children and one woman.

Thirty-one of the slain Palestinians were killed in Jenin, 18 in Nablus, 7 in Hebron, 6 in Jerusalem, 5 in Jericho and the Jordan Valley, 3 in Qalqilia, 2 in Ramallah, 2 in Bethlehem, 1 in Salfit, 1 in Tubas, and 2 in the Gaza Strip.

Walid was from Jenin, in the northern West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Mahmoud Majed Al-Ayedi

February 14, 2023: Mahmoud Majed Al-Ayedi, 17, was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers during an Israeli military invasion of the Al-Far’a refugee camp south of Tubas, in the northeastern West Bank, where the boy lived.

The Palestinian Health Ministry has confirmed the death of the teenage boy from serious wounds he suffered at dawn when Israeli soldiers shot and seriously injured him in the Al-Far’a refugee camp south of Tubas, in the northeastern West Bank.

The Health Ministry said Mahmoud Majed Al-Ayedi, 17, was seriously injured when the soldiers shot him with a live round in the head and succumbed to his wounds at the Tubas Turkish Governmental Hospital.

His death brings the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli fire this year to 47, including four who the illegal paramilitary colonizers killed; among the slain Palestinians are eleven children and one woman.

The soldiers fired many live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and concussion grenades at Palestinians who protested the invasion.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said the soldiers shot Mahmoud Majed Al-Ayedi with a live round in the head, and he was rushed to Tubas Turkish Governmental Hospital in a very serious condition.

The head of Tuba’s office of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) said the soldiers also abducted Ahmad Raja Al-Khatib, 45, after storming and ransacking his home, and added that a military dog mauled Ahmad’s son, Raja, in the leg.

Media sources said that Palestinian resistance fighters exchanged fire with the soldiers invading the refugee camp.

On Monday evening, the soldiers abducted a child, Yousef Ismael Abu Al-Hawa, 15 years of age, in the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem and closed all gates of the holy site.

Mahmoud was from the Al-Far’a refugee camp, south of Tubas, in the northeastern West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Qussai Radwan Waked

February 12, 2023: Qussai Radwan Waked, 14, was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers at noon in Jenin, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank. The soldiers also ahot and injured two other Palestinians.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said the soldiers shot Qussai Radwan Waked, 14, with a live round in the abdomen, causing organ damage and severe internal bleeding that resulted in his death.

The Ministry added that the soldiers also shot two Palestinians with live fire and caused many to suffer cuts and bruises and the effects of tear gas inhalation.

The incidents unfolded when a large military force invaded Jenin, surrounded a home in the Al-Jabriyyat neighborhood, and stormed it before abducting a former political prisoner, Jibril Zobeidi, who was imprisoned by Israeli for eleven years, leading to protests.

Jibril is the brother of a political prisoner and a member of the Revolutionary Council of Fateh movement, Zakariyya Zobeidi, and Daoud Zobeidi, who died from serious wounds on May 15, 2022, after Israeli soldiers shot him two days before, during an invasion of the Jenin refugee camp.

Israeli soldiers also killed his mother and his brother Taha on April 6, 2002, during the Israeli military offensive in the Jenin refugee camp (known as the Jenin massacre).

During the Jenin and its refugee camp invasion, Palestinian resistance fighters exchanged fire with the soldiers invading the Jenin refugee camp and several areas in Jenin city.

The Israeli army said it invaded Jenin to abduct a Palestinian fighter and to “foil” what the army alleged was a “planned attack.”

Thousands of Palestinians marched in front of ‎Ibn Sina Specialized Hospital in Jenin city, the Jenin refugee camp, and participated in the funeral ceremony and procession of the slain child before he was buried at the village cemetery in Al-Arqa, west of Jenin.

The Palestinians chanted for resistance until liberation and independence, called for national unity, and affirmed that the ongoing Israeli escalation and crimes would only lead to more resistance and determination.

In a statement, the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates issued a statement denouncing the escalating Israeli crimes and violations, strongly condemned the killing of the Palestinian child, and said the Israeli army’s field executions of Palestinians, and extra-judicial assassinations, are part of Israel’s illegal policies that violate all international standards, including International Law, International Humanitarian Law, and the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The Ministry held Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his fanatic colonialist right-wing government responsible for the serious escalation, including the seriously increasing demolition of Palestinian homes, especially in occupied Jerusalem, the theft of Palestinian lands, and the daily invasions and violations against the unarmed Palestinian population.

Qussai was from Jenin, in the northern West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Jenna Majdi Zakarna

December 11, 2022: Jenna Majdi Essam Zakarna, 15, was shot in the head and killed by Israeli snipers while she was standing on the roof of her home during an Israeli military invasion of Jenin.

The attack occurred before midnight when undercover Israeli soldiers, and numerous armored military vehicles, invaded Jenin.

Sources at the Khalil Suleiman Hospital in Jenin said the soldiers killed Jenna Majdi Essam Zakarna, 16, after shooting her with live fire in the head and face, and two in her chest.

Jenna’s family said the soldiers fatally shot her while standing on the rooftop of their home in the Eastern Neighborhood.

They said Jenna went to the rooftop of their home to bring her cat, and that is when the soldiers shot her.

“She went to the rooftop to bring cat down, but when she didn’t come back, her brother went to the roof and saw her bleeding on the ground and her car sitting next to her, she bled for at least 30 minutes before they found her” her uncle, Yasser Zakarna, told Palestine TV, “She was just fifteen, she was just a child who loved life… the soldiers shot her four times; two in the head and face, and two in her chest…they killed her childhood, she was a child, she wasn’t throwing stones or doing anything…. the soldiers fired at her to kill her… the occupation just keeps committing its crimes, just like what he saw a few days ago in Jenin…”

The Palestinian Center For Human Rights (PCHR) said: Half an hour after Israeli Occupation Forces’ withdrawal, a 15-year-old child namely Jana ‘Issam ‘Assaf Zakarna was found a dead body while blood surrounding her on her family house roof.

Furthermore, the soldiers caused damage to several parked cars and a shop during protests that took place in the Al-Bayader area in Jenin.

The Israeli army claimed it arrested a Palestinian reportedly “planning attacks against the soldiers and Israeli targets.”

Later, it turned out that she was shot with a live bullet in her head, and the neighborhood’s residents assume that the bullet was fired by one of the Israeli snipers stationed on the top of residential buildings, including an under-construction building comprised of seven floors opposite to Zakarna family house.

Jana was taken to Dr. Khalil Suliman Hospital in Jenin, where doctors confirmed her death after succumbing to a bullet injury in the head.”

According to PCHR’s fieldworker, Jana’s body was referred to the Forensic Medicine Institute at an-Najah National University in Nablus.

After the autopsy, it turned out according to what the doctors told PCHR’s fieldworker, that the shooting was from an M16 weapon from a distance of no less than 300 meters.

Also, it was found out that Jana was hit with 5 live bullets that penetrated her body; 4 of them hit her shoulder and neck while the fifth penetrated her head from the right side and exited the left side, and some shrapnel remained in her head. This proves that the shots were of the explosive type that is usually used by IOF.

The soldiers also stormed and ransacked many homes before abducting Hasan Ahmad Mer’ey, 30, Tha’er Jihad Hanthawi, 40, and his brother Mohammad, 33.

Furthermore, the Palestinian Health Ministry said the soldiers also shot a young man with a bullet in the leg before he was rushed to Ibn Sina Specialized Hospital suffering mild-to-moderate wounds.

Jenna was from Jenin, in the northern West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Ala’ Abdullah Qaddoum

Ala' QaddoumAugust 05, 2022: Ala’ Abdullah Qaddoum, 5, was killed by a missile dropped on her home by the Israeli military. She was one of eleven Palestinians killed in a barrage of Israeli missiles fired into Gaza in the middle of the afternoon on August 5th.

Dozens of airstrikes were carried out by Israeli forces in the span of a few minutes in different parts of the Gaza Strip. In addition to the 11 killed, at least 55 Palestinians were wounded and taken to local hospitals for treatment of moderate to severe wounds.

The airstrikes were apparently attempting to target certain Palestinian resistance leaders – but most of those killed in the airstrikes were civilians.

Ala’ was killed when the army fired many missiles into the Sheja’eyya neighborhood, east of Gaza, killing three Palestinians, including two civilians, Yousef Salman Mohammad Qaddoum, 24, Ala’ Abdullah Riyad Qaddoum, 5, and Emad Abdul-Rahim Ibrahim Shallah, 52.

The 5-year old girl was playing in front of her family’s home in the Rimal neighborhood in the center of Gaza city when the army fired missiles targeting The Borj Falasteen (Palestine Tower) building.

Her grandfather, Riyad Qaddoum, said Ala’ was just about to start kindergarten, happy with her new clothes, school bag, and supplies.

“Why, why did they have to kill her? Why did they have to bomb a civilian area and kill this innocent child?,” he asked, “Where is the world from all of this? Where are those who talk about human rights and protection for the civilian population…”

That airstrike that killed Ala’ came just after the Israeli airforce fired a missile into the fifth and sixth floors of Burj Falasteen (Palestine Tower) in the center of Gaza City in an assassination of a senior leader of the Islamic Jihad, Taiseer Mohammad al-Ja’bari, 52. In addition to al-Jabari, several civilians in the apartment building were killed in the airstrike.

The Palestine Tower consists of thirteen floors and contains many government offices and media centers. The bombing also caused damage to many surrounding buildings, stores, and commercial facilities.

The Israeli missiles also killed Ahmad Mazen Mahmoud Azzam, 25, in the Zeitoun neighborhood, one of the largest and most densely populated areas in Gaza city.

At approximately 16:20, the Israeli army fired an artillery shell that struck the home of Adnan Atiya al-Amour, killing his daughter Diana Mohammad al-Amour, 22.

The Israeli missiles also killed Mohammad Ahmad Nasrallah, 25, and injured his daughter in addition to two other Palestinians east of Beit Hanoun, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

At approximately 16:25, an Israeli drone fired missiles into an area west of Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, killing Fadel Mohammad Zo’rob, 30, and Mohammad Hasan al-Bayok, 35, in addition to wounding seven other Palestinians, including two children. The attacks also caused damage to a Palestinian ambulance.

At approximately 16:50, two Palestinians, including one child, were injured after the Israeli army bombed the al-Brazil neighborhood, south of Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

The army also carried out at least ten airstrikes targeting resistance centers and many residential neighborhoods in Rafah, causing excessive damage.

On Saturday, the Israeli army continued its offensive on the Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip, for the second day, by firing more missiles and shells into several areas of the coastal region, killing one Palestinian and wounding many others, including three who suffered serious wounds.

The slain Palestinian has been identified as Tamim Ghassan Hijazi, 24, from the az-Zanna area in Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

Media sources said the army fired missiles into several buildings in Gaza city, Khan Younis, in the southern part of the coastal region, and many areas in the central and northern parts of the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinians Center For Human Rights (PCHR) said its field researchers and teams are still documenting and validating the latest incidents and casualties, adding that the Israeli offensive could take a long time, as stated by Israeli military leaders and government officials.

The PCHR condemned the Israeli offensive, the extrajudicial assassinations, and the constant targeting of Palestinian civilians in violation of International Humanitarian Law and all related international treaties.

The slain Palestinians are:

  1. Emad Abdul-Rahim Shallah, 52.
  2. Yousef Salman Qaddoum, 24.
  3. Ala’ Abdullah Qaddoum, 5.
  4. Taiseer Mahmoud al-Ja’bari, 50.
  5. Samala Mohareb ‘Aabed, 41.
  6. Diana Adnan Atiya al-Amour, 22.
  7. Mohammad Ahmad Abdul-Fattah al-Madhoun, 26.
  8. Fadel Mustafa Zo’rob, 30.
  9. Mohammad Hasan al-Bayok, 35.
  10. Mohammad Ahmad Nasrallah (al-Madhoun), 26.
  11. Tamim Ghassan Hijazi, 24

The offensive on Gaza started when the army assassinated Tayseer al-Ja’bari, the leader of the Al-Quds Brigades, after firing missiles at his office in Gaza city.

The army also carried out several airstrikes and artillery shelling targeting many areas in Gaza city, especially the Sheikh Ejleen area that was hit with at least fifteen Israeli missiles, in addition to Khan Younis and Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, and several areas in northern Gaza.

The offensive is still ongoing; some of the slain Palestinians are members of armed resistance groups in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian factions in Gaza vowed retaliation and fired dozens of shells into many areas in the southern part of the country.

According to Israeli sources, rocket sirens sounded in most southern and central areas, including Tel Aviv.

Israeli Defense Minister, Benny Gantz, said that he approved the deployment of 25.000 reservists according to what he called “operation needs,” an issue that indicates an upcoming larger offensive on the Gaza Strip.

A senior military official claimed the strikes on Gaza “targeted Islamic jihad fighters,” and alleged that the group is preparing for an attack against Israel.”


Ala’ was from Gaza City. Source: IMEMC

Mohammad Moayyad al-‘Allami

July 28, 2021: Mohammad Moayyad al-‘Allami, 11, was killed by Israeli soldiers at the entrance of Beit Ummar town, north of Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank.

Media sources in Hebron said the soldiers fired live rounds at a car his father was driving in Abu Toaq area, at the entrance of Beit Ummar, seriously wounding the child, before the medics rushed him to the al-Ahli hospital, in Hebron, where he succumbed to his severe injury.

The Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA) said the child, Mohammad was a six-grade student at Beit Ummar Basic School.

Nasri Sabarna, the Mayor of Beit Ummar town, said the father was driving with his son and daughter after they went grocery shopping; they bought bread, vegetables, and potato chips.

Sabarna added that the father then made a U-Turn trying to get to the shop before Israeli soldiers stationed nearby started shouting at the car and ordering him to stop before one of the soldiers opened fire at the car wounding the child in the chest.

The child later succumbed to his serious wounds, while his father and sister were not injured in the incident.

The Palestinian Education Ministry issued a statement denouncing his murder and called on all related human rights groups to intervene and end the escalating Israeli crimes against the unarmed Palestinian people, especially the children.

In related news, Israeli soldiers dug the grave of a deceased Palestinian newborn baby girl, just a few hours after her family buried her at the graveyard in Beit Ummar. The soldiers took the corpse out of the grave and placed it on the ground, before leaving the area.

Sabarna said that the Town Council contacted the family to informed them of what the soldiers did and to conduct the burial ceremony again.

Mohammad was from Beit Ummar town, north of Hebron. Source: IMEMC