Shay Silas Nigreker

ShayAugust 19, 2023: Shay Silas Nigreker, 60, was shot and killed, along with his son, Aviad Nir, 28, by an unknown perpetrator at a car wash in the West Bank.

The two men were residents of Ashdod, south of Tel Aviv, in the southern part of Israel. They had apparently been visiting a friend in an illegal Israeli settlement in the West Bank, and were returning back to Ashdod when they stopped at a car wash in the northern West Bank town of Huwara, south of Nablus.

Media sources said that an unknown assailant opened fire, critically injuring the Israeli man and his son. The shooter then fled on foot.

According to Palestinian sources, Israeli officials initially thought that the victims were Palestinian and did not send an ambulance for thirty minutes.

During that time, a Palestinian ambulance with the Red Crescent emergency response service arrived on the scene and tried to treat the two wounded men. After 30 minutes, an Israeli ambulance with the Magen David Adom ambulance service arrived and took over the resuscitation efforts, which were unsuccessful.

According to the Israeli army’s preliminary investigation, the shooter approached the men on foot, and fired from close range with a handgun.

The Israeli occupation army, in its continued search for the perpetrator, closed several military roadblocks in the vicinity of Nablus and the town of Huwara, tightening its inspection procedures, causing severe traffic crises.

The military arrested the owner of the car wash where the attack took place, although there is no indication that he was involved in any way. The army has not identified the perpetrator of Saturday’s shooting, but they locked down all of the nearby villages and towns and have installed additional checkpoints and raided homes and cars in the area.

On Saturday night, following the daytime shooting attack, Israeli colonial settlers rampaged in the town of Huwara, throwing rocks at Palestinian pedestrians and vehicles and setting fires, in a scene that brought back memories of the Israeli settler riots in February, in which hundreds of Palestinian homes and cars were burned by Israeli paramilitary settlers. During the February riots, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich stated that he wanted Huwara to be ‘wiped off the map’, saying it was a ‘hotbed for terrorists’.

In the pre-dawn hours on Sunday morning, Israeli forces stationed in Huwara shot and wounded a masked Israeli paramilitary settler who had been throwing objects at vehicles on Route 60 – a road traveled by both Israeli colonial settlers and indigenous Palestinians.

Shay was from Ashdod (formerly the Palestinian city of Isdud) in what is now Israel. Source: IMEMC

Aviad Nir

ShayAugust 19, 2023: Aviad Nir, 28, was shot and killed, along with his father, Shay Silas Nigreker, 60, by an unknown perpetrator at a car wash in the West Bank.

The two men were residents of Ashdod, south of Tel Aviv, in the southern part of Israel. They had apparently been visiting a friend in an illegal Israeli settlement in the West Bank, and were returning back to Ashdod when they stopped at a car wash in the northern West Bank town of Huwara, south of Nablus.

Media sources said that an unknown assailant opened fire, critically injuring the Israeli man and his son. The shooter then fled on foot.

According to Palestinian sources, Israeli officials initially thought that the victims were Palestinian and did not send an ambulance for thirty minutes.

During that time, a Palestinian ambulance with the Red Crescent emergency response service arrived on the scene and tried to treat the two wounded men. After 30 minutes, an Israeli ambulance with the Magen David Adom ambulance service arrived and took over the resuscitation efforts, which were unsuccessful.

According to the Israeli army’s preliminary investigation, the shooter approached the men on foot, and fired from close range with a handgun.

The Israeli occupation army, in its continued search for the perpetrator, closed several military roadblocks in the vicinity of Nablus and the town of Huwara, tightening its inspection procedures, causing severe traffic crises.

The military arrested the owner of the car wash where the attack took place, although there is no indication that he was involved in any way. The army has not identified the perpetrator of Saturday’s shooting, but they locked down all of the nearby villages and towns and have installed additional checkpoints and raided homes and cars in the area.

On Saturday night, following the daytime shooting attack, Israeli colonial settlers rampaged in the town of Huwara, throwing rocks at Palestinian pedestrians and vehicles and setting fires, in a scene that brought back memories of the Israeli settler riots in February, in which hundreds of Palestinian homes and cars were burned by Israeli paramilitary settlers. During the February riots, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich stated that he wanted Huwara to be ‘wiped off the map’, saying it was a ‘hotbed for terrorists’.

In the pre-dawn hours on Sunday morning, Israeli forces stationed in Huwara shot and wounded a masked Israeli paramilitary settler who had been throwing objects at vehicles on Route 60 – a road traveled by both Israeli colonial settlers and indigenous Palestinians.

Aviad was from Ashdod (formerly the Palestinian city of Isdud) in what is now Israel. Source: IMEMC

Iman Ziad Ahmad Odah

May 04, 2023: Iman Ziad Ahmed Odeh, 26, was killed by Israeli soldiers near Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank, after the army claimed she attacked soldiers, mildly wounding one.

Media sources said the soldiers shot Iman with a live round in the chest near Einabus junction in the center of Huwwara town, south of Nablus.

After shooting the young woman, the army closed the area and refused to allow Palestinian medics to approach her.

Later on, Palestinian Red Crescent medics (PRCS) were able to reach Iman and perform the urgently needed medical attention before rushing her to Rafidia hospital in Nablus where she was officially pronounced dead.

The Israeli army claimed the woman attacked a soldier with a knife, but the soldier pushed her away and shot her, and added that another security officer also opened fire at the woman.

According to the military, the wounded soldier suffered a mild injury and was moved to an Israeli hospital.

Her death brings the number of slain Palestinians killed by Israeli soldiers and paramilitary colonizers since the beginning of this year to 107, including 20 children and two women.

Earlier in the morning, Israeli soldiers killed three young Palestinian men and injured at least four after the undercover force infiltrated the Old City of Nablus, and surrounded a home before dozens of military vehicles invaded the area.

In a statement, the Palestinian Health Ministry identified the slain Palestinians as Moath Masri, 35, Hasan Qatanani, 35, and Ibrahim Jabr, 45.

Iman, (also transliterated as Eman Ahmad Odah), was from Huwwara, south of Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Hussein Hasan Qawareeq

July 29, 2022: Hussein Hasan Qawareeq, 60, died from serious wounds he suffered three days earlier when Israeli soldiers shot him near Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

The soldiers shot Hussein inflicting serious wounds before transferring him to the Israeli Beilinson Medical Center, where he succumbed to his wounds.

The slain man’s brother, Khaled Qawareeq, said the Israeli medical center officially informed the family of Hussein’s death.

The soldiers shot Hussein at the Huwwara military roadblock south of Nablus after the army claimed he did not heed their commands to stop. His family said Hussein had a mental illness.

Also Friday, the Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed that a Palestinian teenage boy, Amjad Nash’at Abu Alia, 16, was killed by Israeli fire in the al-Mughayyir village, northeast of Ramallah, and injured several others.

Hussein was from Awarta village, southeast of the northern West Bank city of Nablus. Source: IMEMC