Abdullah Nasasra

December 17, 2015:  Abdullah Hussein Nasasra, 15, was killed by Israeli soldiers after he allegedly ran towards them carrying a knife. Eyewitnesses said the child did not carry a weapon and never attempted to attack the soldiers. The army prevented Palestinian medics from approaching him. Abdullah was from Beit Forik town, east of Nablus. Source: IMEMC

Hadeel ‘Awwad


November 23, 2015: 
Hadeel Wajeeh ‘Awwad, 16, was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers after attempting to stab Israelis. Her 14-year-old friend was seriously injured by the soldiers. A surveillance video showed an Israeli guard firing the fatal shot after Hadeel was already shot and wounded. She was from Qalandia, north of Jerusalem. Source: IMEMC