Rina Dee

April 07, 2023: Rina Dee, 15, was one of two Israeli sisters from the Efrat illegal colony near Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank, who were killed in a shooting incident in the Jordan Valley in the West Bank. Their mother was wounded in the attack.

The two sisters were the daughters of British-Israeli Rabbi Leo Dee, and they were in a car traveling with their mother to a hiking spot in the Jordan Valley when the car was shot at by unknown assailants and ran off the road, killing both of the daughters.

The BBC said Maia was 20 years old and volunteering for national service in a high school.

Reports indicated that emergency teams found three Israeli women with signs of gunshot wounds on them in the northern part of the Jordan Valley of the West Bank.

The two women and their mother, Lucy, 45, who suffered serious wounds, were airlifted by a military helicopter to the hospital.

The reports added that the three women were in a car that came under gunfire and said that the army initiated a massive search campaign to locate the persons behind the shooting.

Two of the wounded injured, in their twenties, succumbed to their critical wounds and were officially declared dead at the scene, and one, in her forties, is in critical condition.

According to the army, the shooting occurred not far from the Al-Hamra area, and the military initiated a massive manhunt, including military helicopters, to locate the shooters.

Israeli Police Chief, Kobi Shabtai, called on all Israelis, who are licensed to carry firearms and skilled in using them, to do so.

The incident occurred amidst increasing Israeli violations and invasions of Al-Aqsa Mosque, in occupied Jerusalem, resulting in dozens of abductions and injuries.

At least 92 Palestinians, including 16 children, and 14 Israelis, including 3 children, have been killed by someone from the other side in 2023.

Rina was from London and had recently moved to the illegal Israeli colony of Efrat with her family. Source: IMEMC

Maia Dee

MaiaApril 07, 2023: Maia Dee, 20, was killed along with her sister, Rina, 15, in a shooting incident in the Jordan Valley of the occupied West Bank.

Their mother was wounded in the attack.

The two sisters were the daughters of British-Israeli Rabbi Leo Dee, and they were in a car traveling with their mother to a hiking spot in the Jordan Valley when the car was shot at by unknown assailants and ran off the road, killing both of the daughters.

The BBC said Maia was 20 years old and volunteering for national service in a high school, while younger sister Rina was 15.

The reports indicated that emergency teams found three Israeli women with signs of gunshot wounds in the northern part of the Jordan Valley of the West Bank.

The two women and their mother, who suffered serious wounds, were airlifted by a military helicopter to the hospital.

The reports added that the three women were in a car that came under gunfire and said that the army initiated a massive search campaign to locate the persons behind the shooting.

The two sisters succumbed to their critical wounds and were officially declared dead at the scene, and their mother, in her forties, is in critical condition.

According to the army, the shooting occurred not far from the Al-Hamra area, and the military initiated a massive manhunt, including military helicopters, to locate the shooters.

Israeli Police Chief, Kobi Shabtai, called on all Israelis, who are licensed to carry firearms and skilled in using them, to do so.

The incident occurred amidst increasing Israeli violations and invasions of Al-Aqsa Mosque, in occupied Jerusalem, resulting in dozens of abductions and injuries.

At least 92 Palestinians, including 16 children, and 12 Israelis, including 3 children, have been killed by someone from the other side in 2023.

Maia was from London, and recently moved with her family to Efrat colony. Source: IMEMC

Yousef Ahmad Abu Jaber

April 07, 2023: Yousef ِAhmad Abu Jaber, 44, was killed in Tel Aviv after reportedly carrying out a car-ramming and shooting attack near a beach in Tel Aviv, killing an Italian citizen.

Israeli daily Haaretz said, “A police officer and a municipal ranger arrived at the scene, and as they noticed the attacker attempted to reach a rifle-like object that was with him, they shot at him and killed him.

According to a police source, no weapon was found in Jaber’s vehicle, but rather a toy gun.”

The Italian citizen, lawyer from Rome who was vacationing in Tel Aviv, has been idented as Alessandro Parini, 35.

Alessandro Parini

Israeli sources said five tourists were injured before the police killed the driver,

The Italian citizen, lawyer from Rome who was vacationing in Tel Aviv, Alessandro Parini, 35, was killed in a car-ramming and shooting attack near a beach in Tel Aviv.

Alessandro Parini

Israeli daily, Haaretz, said Parini, an Italian lawyer from Rome who was vacationing in Tel Aviv, was killed, and five tourists were injured in what is believed to be a ‘car-ramming and shooting attack’ near a beach in Tel Aviv before the police killed the attacker, 44, Yousef Abu Jaber, 44, a married father of five daughters from Kafr Qassem.

Haaretz also said that the incident occurred at about 21:35 Friday when the attacker drove on the bike lane of “Charles Clore Park,” hitting six pedestrians.

Three persons suffered moderate wounds, including a man, 74 years of age, and a teenage girl, 17, and that the two other wounded persons, a 50-year-old man and a woman, 70, suffered mild injuries. Some of the wounded were British and Italian citizens.

According to Haaretz, an eyewitness said a vehicle sped after and entered a gas station nearby the incident before gunshots were heard, and then the vehicle which was used in the incident turned rightwards and rolled over.

Yousef’s family said they were shocked to hear about the incident and added that they would have prevented this from happening if they had known anything in advance and that he was a very quiet, respectful person and never had any ideological way of thinking.

Yousef was an Israeli citizen from Kafr Qassem Arab town, about twenty kilometers east of Tel Aviv. Source: IMEMC

Mohammad Omar Juneidi

April 03, 2023: Mohammad Mustafa Juneidi (Abu Bakr), 43, was killed by Israeli soldiers in Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian Health Ministry has confirmed the death of the two seriously wounded young men in Rafidia Governmental Hospital and Nablus Specialty Hospital.

The second slain Palestinian has been identified as Mohammad Nasser Sa’id Hallaq, 21.

The two were rushed to the two medical centers before doctors and surgeons tried to save their lives, but they succumbed to their serious gunshot wounds, the Health Ministry added.

Mohammad Hallaq

During the invasion, an Israeli military dog mauled a Palestinian man, causing various wounds, while at least 55 Palestinians suffered the severe effects of teargas inhalation.

Palestinian medics also had to evacuate five families from their homes after the soldiers targeted the properties with gas bombs, while one Red Crescent ambulance sustained damage after a gas bomb struck it.

Mohammad was from Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Mohammad Nasser Sa’id Hallaq

April 03, 2023: Mohammad Nasser Sa’id Hallaq, 21, was killed by Israeli soldiers in Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian Health Ministry has confirmed the death of the two seriously wounded young men in Rafidia Governmental Hospital and Nablus Specialty Hospital.

The second slain Palestinian has been identified as Mohammad Omar Juneidi (Abu Bakr), 43.

Mohammad Omar Juneidi

The two were rushed to the two medical centers before doctors and surgeons tried to save their lives, but they succumbed to their serious gunshot wounds, the Health Ministry added.

During the invasion, an Israeli military dog mauled a Palestinian man, causing various wounds, while at least 55 Palestinians suffered the severe effects of teargas inhalation.

Palestinian medics also had to evacuate five families from their homes after the soldiers targeted the properties with gas bombs, while one Red Crescent ambulance sustained damage after a gas bomb struck it.

Mohammad was from Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Mohammad Raed Baradiya

April 01, 2023: Mohammad Raed Nayef Baradiya, 23, was killed by Israeli soldiers near the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank.

The Public Authority for Civil Affairs stated that it had informed the Ministry of Health of Mohammad’s death by Israeli occupation bullets near the town of Beit Ummar.

Israeli police claimed that a vehicular collision in the West Bank was an alleged ‘ramming attack’ by a Palestinian driver.

Soon after the vehicle collision, Israeli military troops fired numerous live rounds at the driver, without stopping to question him.

Local sources reported that the occupation soldiers left Mohammad bleeding on the ground, and prevented Palestinian ambulances from approaching the place, until he died.

The Israeli occupation authorities claimed that three of its soldiers were wounded, two of them seriously, in an alleged “vehicle ramming attack” operation carried out by a Palestinian near the junction of the settlement bloc, “Gush Etzion”, which is located on stolen Palestinian land south of Bethlehem.

With the killing of the young man, the death toll since the beginning of this year has risen to 92, including 17 children and a woman, and a young man from the village of Hura in the Negev within the borders of what is now Israel.

Mohammad who worked in the medical services of the Palestinian security forces, was from Surif, northwest of Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Mohammad Al-Asibi

April 01, 2023: Mohammad Al-Asibi, 26, died from serious wounds he suffered a day earlier after Israeli soldiers shot him at the Bab Al-Silsila (Chain Gate) leading to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem after alleging he attempted to snatch a weapon from a soldier, an allegation that witnesses denied.

The young man suffered serious wounds when the soldiers claimed they shot him after he “attempted to snatch a weapon from a soldier”, an allegation that witnesses denied.

The Israeli army claimed that the soldiers shot the young man when he reportedly tried to snatch a weapon from an officer and that he also “was able to fire the weapon a few times before he was killed.”

Eyewitnesses said Mohammad was shot while trying to stop the soldiers who were beating up a young woman and dragging her out of the Al-Aqsa Mosque through the Chain Gate in preparation for abducting her.

They added that the slain man never tried to assault the soldiers or snatch their weapons and was only focused on trying to stop them from attacking and abducting the young woman.

The soldiers were also clubbing and assaulting dozens of Palestinians trying to enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque and its courtyards to pray on the second Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Arab Member of Knesset Ayman Odeh and former Member of Knesset Talab Al-Sane’, denounced the Israeli crime and the attempts to justify the young man’s murder who graduated from med school and completed his medical practice exam just two weeks earlier.

Odeh added that Mohammad went to pray in Al-Aqsa Mosque and could not tolerate the sight of Israeli soldiers and police officers assaulting the young woman and tried to stop them before they shot him and said that the Palestinian did not carry any weapons and did not attempt to attack soldiers or snatch their weapons.

“Everybody needs to understand that the Israeli occupation is the ongoing and biggest crime,” Odeh said, “The suffering, the crimes will continue as long as this illegal occupation is ongoing.”

MK Sane’ also denounced the Israeli crime and said the young man was shot point blank, adding that the Israeli allegations are mere lies and fabrications to justify another crime against the Palestinian people.

“The army and the police have surveillance cameras all over the place, in every corner, alley and street, let’s see them release those videos…” he stated.

He added that the crime was also encouraged by racist and fundamentalist right-wing coalition members of Benjamin Netanyahu’s governorate, especially the fanatic Itamar Ben-Gvir.

ِHours after killing the newly graduated physician, dozens of soldiers and border police officers stormed his home in Houra, in the Negev, ransacked the property, confiscated the slain man’s computer, and interrogated the family.

A general strike and mourning were declared in Houra and Rahat and many Arab villages and towns in the Negev.

Mohammad was Houra Bedouin village in the Negev. Source: IMEMC