Dr. Nidal Mohammad Jabbarin

Nidal JabbarinSeptember 18th, 2020: Nidal Mohammad Akram Jabbarin, 54, a dentist, was killed by a concussion grenade fired by Israeli forces stationed at the Barta’a military roadblock, southwest of Jenin, in the northern West Bank.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said the dentist, identified as Nidal Mohammad Akram Jabbarin, 54, suffered a heart attack after the soldiers fired the concussion grenades at the Palestinians while waiting to be allowed through the military roadblock.

An eyewitness said that Dr. Jabarin was walking in the dedicated area for pedestrians near the military roadblock when a soldier directly fired a concussion grenade at him before he suffered a shock and fell onto the ground.

The head of the Emergency Services at the Palestinian Red Crescent, Dr. Mahmoud Sa’adi, said the medics rushed to the military roadblock to provide him with the needed medical aid, but he was already dead.

Dr. Wisam Abu Baker, the head of Khalil Suleiman Governmental Hospital in Jenin, said Dr. Jabbarin was taken to the Intensive Care Unit, where he was officially pronounced dead despite all efforts to save his life.

The deceased dentist is a married father of four and runs a dental clinic in Jenin, where he also did a lot of charity work to help the poor who need treatment.

Jabarin is from the Marah Sa’ad neighborhood, in Jenin city, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

His funeral procession was held in Jenin a few hours after his death and was attended by hundreds of Palestinians, who marched while chanting against the ongoing and escalating Israeli violations against the Palestinian people.

Social, political national, and religious figures in Jenin denounced the latest Israeli crime and called for forming an international committee to investigate Israel’s escalating violations and to hold it accountable.

Nidal was from Jenin, in the northern part of the West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Daoud Tal’at Khatib

Daoud KhatibSeptember 3, 2020: Daoud Tal’at Khatib, 45, died in Ofer Israeli prison, and added that the only information the Israeli authorities are giving so far indicates he died from a heart attack.

The Palestinian Prisoners Society issued a statement mourning the detainee, identified as Daoud Tal’at Khatib, 45, from Bethlehem, south of occupied Jerusalem in the West Bank, and added that the detainee was abducted by the soldiers in April 2002, and was sentenced to 18 years and eight months in prison. He was only a few months away from being released.

The PPS added that Israel is claiming he died from a heart attack, but without any further information, and added that the detainee, throughout the years of imprisonment, has faced numerous health complications, including a heart attack a few years ago, in addition to undergoing an open-heart surgery.

The one statement given by Israel alleged that the detainee “fainted while in his room in Ofer Prison, and that guards tried to revive him, but he passed away.”

The PPS added that Israel rejected various appeals for Daoud’s release on humanitarian grounds so that he can receive the needed treatment at specialized medical centers.

It is worth mentioning that both of his parents died while he was in prison. The deceased detainee was held at the Negev Desert Detention camp.

His death brings the number of detainees who died in Israeli prison since 1967 to 225, including dozens who were tortured to death and others who were shot while in prison.

The PPS called on international human rights groups and legal organizations to practice pressure on Israel to improve the continuously declining living conditions of the detainees, and to release all ailing prisoners, especially amidst the current coronavirus pandemic, and added that Israel’s prison system where the Palestinians are held lacks basic requirements as the prisons have chronic sanitization issues, bad air ventilation, in addition to awful smells, infestations of bugs and cockroaches among other things.

It added that Ofer Prison, where the detainee died, has recently witnesses a sharp increase in Covid-19 infections among the detainees.

Daoud was from Bethlehem, south of occupied Jerusalem in the West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Shai Ohayon

August 26, 2020: Shai Ohayon, 39, was stabbed to death in Petah Tikva, in central Israel, allegedly by a Palestinian man.

Update: November 1, 2020: Israeli soldiers invaded Rojeeb village, east of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, on Monday at dawn, and demolished the family home of the Palestinian, suspected of killing Ohayon.

Shai was a father of four. He was unconscious when first responders reached him before he was transferred to hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

The suspect, a Palestinian man, identified as Khalil Dweikat, who holds a valid Israeli work permit, was chased by witnesses, and then arrested by the Israeli Police, who suspected a political motive for the attack. He was then interrogated by Israel’s Intelligence Agency, the Shin Bet.

Khalil has a long history of mental disorders and received treatment by Palestinian physicians. He also was not a member or supporter of any Palestinian faction and had no political activities.

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu announced to the nation that his government, “will work to demolish the terrorist’s house and carry out the most severe punishment.”

Magen David Adom teams reported that the Shai had multiple stab wounds to his upper body, that the victim was provided with medical treatment and transferred to Rabin Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

Shai was from Petah Tikva, in central Israel. Source: IMEMC

Mo’taz Amer al-Mibyed

August 24th, 2020: Mo’taz Amer al-Mibyed, 29, was one of four Palestinian resistance fighters killed in an explosion in Gaza City.

Medics and rescue teams first found the corpses of two Palestinians, and later found two others during the search.

The Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, issued a statement confirming that the four Palestinians are members of the group.

It confirmed their identity as Eyad Jamal al-Jedy, 42, Mo’taz Amer al-Mibyed, 29, Yahia Farid al-Mibyed, 23, Yacoub Monther Zeidiyya, 25, and Yacoub Monther Zeidiyya, 25.

The four fighters, from the Sheja’eyya neighborhood, in Gaza city, were apparently killed in an accidental explosion, likely during training.

For its part, the Israeli army denied any relation to the incident and said it did not target any area in Gaza at the time.

On Sunday, Israeli navy ships attacked Palestinian fishermen within one nautical mile off the Gaza shore, while, on Saturday morning, the soldiers fired live rounds at Palestinian farmers and shepherds.

It is worth mentioning that the Israeli army has been bombing Gaza for about two weeks, in addition to escalating its attacks against farmers on their lands near the perimeter fence, and fisherman in Palestinian territorial waters in the coastal enclave.

Mo’taz was from the Gaza Strip. Source: IMEMC

Yacoub Monther Zeidiyya

August 24th, 2020: Yacoub Monther Zeidiyya, 25, was one of four Palestinian resistance fighters killed in an explosion in Gaza City.

Medics and rescue teams first found the corpses of two Palestinians, and later found two others during the search.

The Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, issued a statement confirming that the four Palestinians are members of the group.

It confirmed their identity as Eyad Jamal al-Jedy, 42, Mo’taz Amer al-Mibyed, 29, Yahia Farid al-Mibyed, 23, and Yacoub Monther Zeidiyya, 25.

The four fighters, from the Sheja’eyya neighborhood, in Gaza city, were apparently killed in an accidental explosion, likely during training.

For its part, the Israeli army denied any relation to the incident and said it did not target any area in Gaza at the time.

On Sunday, Israeli navy ships attacked Palestinian fishermen within one nautical mile off the Gaza shore, while, on Saturday morning, the soldiers fired live rounds at Palestinian farmers and shepherds.

It is worth mentioning that the Israeli army has been bombing Gaza for about two weeks, in addition to escalating its attacks against farmers on their lands near the perimeter fence, and fisherman in Palestinian territorial waters in the coastal enclave.

Mo’taz was from the Gaza Strip. Source: IMEMC

Yahia Farid al-Mibyed

August 24th, 2020: Yahia Farid al-Mibyed, 23, was one of four Palestinian resistance fighters killed in an explosion in Gaza City.

Medics and rescue teams first found the corpses of two Palestinians, and later found two others during the search.

The Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, issued a statement confirming that the four Palestinians are members of the group.

It confirmed their identity as Eyad Jamal al-Jedy, 42, Mo’taz Amer al-Mibyed, 29, Yahia Farid al-Mibyed, 23, Yacoub Monther Zeidiyya, 25, and Yacoub Monther Zeidiyya, 25.

The four fighters, from the Sheja’eyya neighborhood, in Gaza city, were apparently killed in an accidental explosion, likely during training.

For its part, the Israeli army denied any relation to the incident and said it did not target any area in Gaza at the time.

On Sunday, Israeli navy ships attacked Palestinian fishermen within one nautical mile off the Gaza shore, while, on Saturday morning, the soldiers fired live rounds at Palestinian farmers and shepherds.

It is worth mentioning that the Israeli army has been bombing Gaza for about two weeks, in addition to escalating its attacks against farmers on their lands near the perimeter fence, and fisherman in Palestinian territorial waters in the coastal enclave.

Mo’taz was from the Gaza Strip. Source: IMEMC

Eyad Jamal al-Jedy

August 24th, 2020: Eyad Jamal al-Jedy, 42, was one of four Palestinian resistance fighters killed in an explosion in Gaza City.

Medics and rescue teams first found the corpses of two Palestinians, and later found two others during the search.

The Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, issued a statement confirming that the four Palestinians are members of the group.

It confirmed their identity as Eyad Jamal al-Jedy, 42, Mo’taz Amer al-Mibyed, 29, Yahia Farid al-Mibyed, 23, Yacoub Monther Zeidiyya, 25, and Yacoub Monther Zeidiyya, 25.

The four fighters, from the Sheja’eyya neighborhood, in Gaza city, were apparently killed in an accidental explosion, likely during training.

For its part, the Israeli army denied any relation to the incident and said it did not target any area in Gaza at the time.

On Sunday, Israeli navy ships attacked Palestinian fishermen within one nautical mile off the Gaza shore, while, on Saturday morning, the soldiers fired live rounds at Palestinian farmers and shepherds.

It is worth mentioning that the Israeli army has been bombing Gaza for about two weeks, in addition to escalating its attacks against farmers on their lands near the perimeter fence, and fisherman in Palestinian territorial waters in the coastal enclave.

Eyad was from the Gaza Strip. Source: IMEMC

Ashraf Hasan Atallah Halasa

August 17, 2020: Ashraf Hasan Atallah Halasa, 30, was killed by Israeli soldiers near Bad Hotta, one of the gates of the al-Aqsa Mosque, in occupied East Jerusalem, reportedly after he attacked officers, wounding one.

On Monday at night, the soldiers also abducted Tareq and his brother, Atef Sbeitan, near the al-Aqsa Mosque.

The slain Palestinian was shot with at least three live rounds in the chest, one of them struck his heart, and was left on the ground without medical attention for about 90 minutes, while the soldiers “secured the area”, and the Israeli medics tended to the wounded officer.

The soldiers later abducted his mother, and two of his brothers, while crossing the “Container” military roadblock, near as-Sawahra ash-Sharqiya town, and summoned a few of his relatives for interrogation.

Eyewitnesses said the soldiers fired a barrage of live rounds at the young man, inflicting serious wounds, before closing the area, and prevented Palestinian medics from approaching him.

One of the medics, identified as Emad Hijazi, of the Al-Amal Society For Medical Services, said that he and his colleagues were praying at the Al-Aqsa Mosque when they hear several shots nearby and rushed to the scene.

Hijazi added that the Israeli soldiers and police officers assaulted him and his colleagues, before forcibly removing them from the area.

The Palestinian eventually bled to death after being denied the urgently needed medical treatment, while Israeli medics tended to the wounded officer, 19, who sustained a moderate injury.

The wounded officer is a member of the Israeli “Border Police;” Israeli medics transferred him to Shaare Zedek Medical Center, for further treatment.

The intensity of Israeli fire also caused an injury to one Palestinian woman, who was walking nearby with her daughter.

The woman said that after hearing the shots, and after being injured, she looked around trying to find her daughter, but she was nowhere to be found, apparently managed to seek shelter.

The eyewitnesses stated that one of the Palestinian worshipers, who was leaving the Al-Aqsa Mosque, also tried to tend to the wounded Palestinian but the soldiers and officers removed him from the scene and prevented anybody from approaching him.

The soldiers and officers later opened the Chain Gate, also one of the gates of Al-Aqsa, and allowed the Palestinian worshipers to leave through it.

Earlier Monday, Israeli soldiers shot a Palestinian man with special needs at the Qalandia Terminal, north of occupied Jerusalem.

  • First published on Aug 18, 2020, at 00:11

Ashraf was from the as-Sawahra ash-Sharqiya town, southeast of occupied Jerusalem. Source: IMEMC

Eqab Bashir Darawsha

Eqb DarawshaAugust 15, 2020: Eqab Bashir Darawsha, 21, was killed on Saturday evening, August 15th, 2020, when a speeding Israel colonists’ car struck him near a military roadblock, south of Tulkarem, in the northern West Bank.

Media sources said the Palestinian, a day laborer, had crossed through a breach in the illegal Israeli Annexation Wall, as he and many other workers were trying to get into Israel for work.

Many Palestinian workers take the risk of going through a gap in the Annexation wall, or sneaking into Israel through mountains and hills, because they are suffering from hunger, and feel they need to take the risk of crossing the Israeli-created barrier  to provide for their families. They may have applied for and been denied entry permits  by the Israeli military that controls all aspects of their lives in the West Bank.

Israeli settlers who drive on bypass roads, including the one who struck the Palestinian worker, usually drive at high speeds when driving on the Jewish-only segregated bypass roads.

After being struck by the car, the Palestinian was rushed to Rama Medical Center in Israel, where he succumbed to his wounds.

A Palestinian who lives near where the incident took place stated that the Palestinian went through a gap in the Annexation Wall, and was struck by the speeding Israeli car just as he was trying to cross the road.

One day after the incident, Israeli soldiers shot and injured Palestinian workers near the gate of the Annexation Wall, west of Far’un town, south of Tulkarem.

In that incident, a Palestinian, Soheil Daoud ‘Obeit, 26, was shot in his leg before Palestinian medics rushed him to a local hospital.

Such incidents are frequent and have led to many Palestinian casualties.

Eqab was from Tallouza village, north of Nablus, in the northern West Bank. Source: IMEMC

Ibrahim Mustafa Abu Yacoub

July 9th, 2020: Ibrahim Mustafa Abu Yacoub, 33, was shot by Israeli soldiers with a live round in his neck, causing life-threatening wounds.

The Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed the death of a Palestinian man who was shot by Israeli soldiers near the main intersection of Kifl Hares town, north of Salfit in central West Bank, and added that the soldiers also shot and injured a Palestinian teen.

The Ministry added that Palestinian medics rushed the seriously wounded Palestinian to Salfit Governmental Hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries.

The soldiers also shot and injured a Palestinian teen with a live round in his thigh.

There were no protests when the soldiers opened fire at the Palestinians, who were walking near the main entrance of the town, which was blockaded by the army four days ago. For the last four days, the soldiers have been preventing the Palestinians from entering or leaving it.

Eyewitnesses said Abu Ya’coub was just walking with a few of his friends when the soldiers targeted them with live fire without any cause or justification.

Essam Abu Yacoub, the head of Kifl Hares Town Council, said the slain Palestinian, and the wounded teen, Mohammad Abdul-Salam Abu Ya’coub, 17, were walking in the area when the soldiers directly targeted them with live fire. The soldiers were on the military tower which was installed at the entrance of the town.

He added that a vehicle of colonialist Israeli settlers was in the area, and that the colonists also opened fire at the Palestinians.

Salfit Governor, Abdullah Kamil, said the Israeli army has escalated its violations against the civilians, and called on all factions, and the Palestinian people, to unite in facing the Israeli aggression against them, their homes, lands and their holy sites amidst the planned illegal annexation of large areas of the occupied West Bank.

“This despicable and ugly crime is just one of a series of Israeli violations against our people in every part of occupied Palestine,” Kamil added, “This is yet another cold-blooded murder; Ibrahim and his friends were just walking in their town; there was no reason for the soldiers to open fire at them in the first place, let alone to deliver the fatal shots.”

The slain Palestinian is the brother of Agricultural Engineer and the Director of the Ministry of Environmental Affairs, Marwan Abu Ya’coub.

Ibrahim was from Kifl Hares town, north of Salfit in the central West Bank. Source: IMEMC