October 1, 2015: Eitam Henkin, early 30’s, was shot by Palestinian gunmen while driving between the Jewish-only settlements of Elon Moreh and Itamar. His wife Naama Henkin was also killed during the attack. Their four children, who were also riding in the car, were not injured. Eitam was an American citizen. Source: Haaretz
Alexander Levlovitz
September 14, 2015: Alexander Levlovitz, 64, died from injuries sustained during a car crash caused by Palestinians throwing stones. He lost control of his car, suffered a heart attack, and drove into a ditch. Two Israelis were also mildly injured in the incident, which took place in East Talpiot in Jerusalem. Source: Times Of Israel
Malachi Rosenfeld
June, 30, 2015: Malachi Rosenfeld, 25, was killed by a Palestinian gunman in Benyamin region, north of Tel Aviv. He was shot on June 29, and died from his wounds a day later. Three of his friends were injured in the attack. Source: Haaretz
Danny Gonen
June, 19, 2015: Danny Gonen, 25, was killed by a Palestinian gunman in the West Bank, before Israeli medics airlifted him to a hospital but he died of his wounds. His friend was injured. Three weeks later, the army said it arrested the shooter, and later demolished his family home. Danny was from Lod. Source: Haaretz
Shalom Sherki
April, 16, 2015: Shalom Sherki, 25, was killed after being struck by a Palestinian car at night on April 15, 2015, in the French Hill neighborhood, in Jerusalem. His girlfriend suffered a serious but stable injury. The Israeli police claimed the incident was a deliberate attack, and arrested the 37-year-old Palestinian driver, who was also injured along with another passenger. Shalom is from Jerusalem. Source: Haaretz